


29/05/2009 15:38 From: SPI website

NPE 2009主辦方SPI (Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.)上周二(5月19日)宣佈,為配合由美國總統奧巴馬最近促成有關提升車輛能源效益的最新決議,今屆NPE展商及多個會議主持將著力為汽車業指引路向,提供種種利用塑料達到汽車輕量化的解決方案。NPE 2009將於下月22至26日在美國芝加哥市邁考密展覽中心(McCormick Place)舉行。

SPI總裁兼首席執行官William R. Carteaux表示:“塑料代表著汽車行業的未來,不單因為塑料的輕巧程度更勝金屬及玻璃,更重要的是它能夠給予生產商更大的設計自由和靈活性,創造更高價值的汽車。配合塑料,未來的汽車除了可達到最新決議的要求,排放更少溫室氣體並以更少加侖的汽油行走更多公里,其外觀亦更為吸引,帶來更大的駕駛樂趣。”


2.創新:最新的成型技術配合先進的聚合物,可以取代傳統玻璃,製造出更美觀、更高設計靈活度的低重量防碎玻璃。例如在今屆展會上沙伯基礎創新塑料(SABIC Innovative Plastics)的子公司Exatec, LLC將展示新型的PC製汽車玻璃。


日本媒體今(27)日報導,三菱化工(Mitsubishi Chemical)計劃中止尼龍絲事業生產,並在三年內淡出尼龍絲上游材料己內醯胺(caprolactam)製造,以關注在太陽能矽晶圓材料的生產。三菱化工目前尼龍絲年產能為3萬噸,己內醯胺年產能為6萬噸,上述產品營收約250億日圓左右,儘管尼龍絲供過於求,三菱化工產能利用率依然維持七成,日前三菱化工宣布,退出PVC(聚氯乙烯)、PS(聚苯乙烯),未來將把重心放在附加價值高太陽矽晶圓材料上。


Digging for New Material: Bioplastics are Growing Into the Green Economy

Written by Jeffrey Berlin (http://cleantechnica.com/)

As the Economist wages the largest debate about bio-fuels in memory, another market opportunity appears to be showing itself in the bio production space as well. Bio plastics have been sprouting up in various applications, but a recent study puts the total market of green packaging at $43.9Billion by 2013.

The highest growth gains in this market will be in bio plastics for reasons of price stability and increased capacity the report said. Bio plastics will, it is reported, preform at an annual growth rate of thirteen percent. This spells big news for an industry which currently holds only about .1% percent market share.

Part of the reason for this growth will be due to policy changes which restrict the use of some of the most environmentally damaging materials, but the largest effect seems to be coming from packaging producers themselves. Corporate social responsibility leader Coca Cola has developed a new bottle which is composed of around thirty percent bio plastics with the intended goal of developing a one hundred percent renewable option in the future. Likewise, Wal-Mart has begun sourcing toys and children’s goods made from bio plastics.

The draw is that decomposition coupled with less petroleum based material seems to be better environmentally, but some counter this analysis. According to the Guardian Newspaper, foods producers in the UK such as Innocent Drinks have chosen to stop using bio plastics due to lack of recycling options for the products at present. Likewise there have been claims that bio plastics can be environmentally damaging on par with their petroleum based counterparts. Recent innovations have made it so less energy is needed to create bio plastics and thus it seems the growth of the sector makes environmental sense. Followers of Bill McDonough’s cradle to cradle concept often tout the re-usability and closed-loop life cycle of these products, while others derided their historically slow decomposition rates. Some applications in the burgeoning bio plastics space are:

A company coming out of Cornell has decided to make biodegradable plastic out of carbon dioxide. This would eliminate carbon dioxide while creating a biodegradable product (two birds one stone). Another application is for ocean-going container ships which could replace current plastics with ones that breakdown via hydrolysis, thus allowing much more cargo room aboard after plastics are used and jettisoned. This blog has reported on how the U.S. military is introducing bio plastics in order to reduce trash transport on the battlefield. There are also hopes to dissolve these plastics into bio-diesel thus adding to the fuel tanks. Finally, for those of us who are not planning to be in battle soon, two Japanese firms have developed bio plastics for demanding applications, one is mixed with fibers of natural plants in order to make the historically weaker bio plastics stronger and another company has found a way to make these materials more heat resistant. In all this seems to be a moment when the technology is overcoming previous hurdles, potentially launching it into new applications as yet unknown for biological materials.

Some problems are still being worked out, like making sure biomass is farmed in such a way which isn’t demanding on agricultural system, similar to issues being dealt with by ethanol producers. In total though, bio plastics seem to represent more good than ill, and along with the high learning curve, the growth curve for biodegradable and biological plastics will likely increase as well. It is hoped more products will integrate bio plastics in full or in part as these curves continue skyward, like the plants they derive from.

New bioplastics pavilion for AUSPACK

AUSPACK 2009 promises to be an even better show than last year however food and beverage manufacturers should find the new bioplastics pavilion of particular interest.

Biograde, BioPak, Innovia Films, NatureWorks, Plantic Technologies and Plastral will all be exhibiting under the one roof making it easier for visitors interested in this particular area.

BioPak will be exhibiting their range of Bioplast potato starch based biopolymers, extruded sheet, compostable copolyester resin, PLA packaging films, compostable self adhesive tapes, composite biodegradable non woven absorbent materials along with examples of commercial applications of these materials.

NatureFlex™ will be the key material on the Innovia Films stand - exhibiting commercial applications featuring this material from around the world. NatureFlex™ is a flexible wood pulp based filmic packaging material that meets global standards for composting and sustainable content.

Films include clear, white and metalised versions that are suitable for fresh produce flow wrapping, labelling face stocks, confectionary and bakery packaging and many other packaging applications. Visitors will also be able to see the full complement of commercially available Ingeo™ lifestyle products on display. These will include food packaging solutions such as serviceware, films wrap applications, plastic cards, as well as electrical appliance casings..

Ingeo represents a new material made from plants not oil - a natural-based biopolymer. They use 65 per cent less fossil fuel resources than traditional polymers such as PET, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80 to 90 per cent. Ingeo offers the potential for more disposal and recovery options than conventional oil-based plastics such as industrial composting and chemical recycling. Plastral will be exhibiting resins and products that are made using vegetable oil and starch feedstocks. Utilisation of these products can help reduce the environmental impact of manufacture and disposal of single use and multiple use goods and also assist with the diversion of organic waste from landfill to composting.

As part of the bioplastics stand at AUSPACK 2009, Plantic will be exhibiting their two thermoformable sheet grades (Plantic® R1and Plantic® HP1) which are significant in terms of the environmental and functional solutions they provide to brand owners, converters and retailers.

Plantic’s sheet products have a renewable resource content of approximately 85 per cent. They are also biodegradable and home compostable and they have excellent anti-static, taint and odour performances.
Plantic® sheet can be used for confectionery, baked goods, pharmaceutical, electronics and cosmetics packaging.

AUSPACK 2009 will be held at Sydney Olympic Park, from Tuesday 16 June to Friday 19 June 2009.


中國造太陽能手機下月發售 預計售價僅40美元


不僅如此,這款手機還是不折不扣的“中國製造”,其製造商在接受記者採訪時表示,這款手機是為缺乏電力、陽光充足地區“度身定制”的,從設計研發到製造,都由他們完成。 太陽能手機市場潛力巨大 在中美洲和南太平洋的許多國家,電能是一樣奢侈的東西,無電可用的人們甚至需要向代理商付錢為手機充電。不過好在這些地方有的是陽光。為此,移動運營商Digicel集團決定定制全球首款“平價”太陽能手機,今年6月將在巴布亞紐幾內亞、東加、萬那杜、海地、薩摩亞等地銷售並提供網路覆蓋。

“在我們的生活中,停電雖然是件麻煩事,但很少發生。而在我們開展業務的地方,沒有電是每天都要面對的問題。”Digicel集團採購和銷售主管湯姆·布賴恩介紹說。這家總部設在牙買加的集團,目前是加勒比海地區最大的移動運營商,用戶數達654萬戶。他們為電力缺乏但陽光充足地區“度身定制”的手機,背部有一塊小型太陽能接收板。在充足的陽光下放置1小時,可通話15分鐘;完全充電則需要大約8小時。 相關人士預計,這款手機在這些地區存在70萬人的消費市場。從全球範圍來看,約有16億人無法獲取電力,需要這種手機。其中,6.8億人具有購買能力,因此市場潛力巨大。

手機由中國公司設計研發 製造小型、廉價的太陽能手機,且能在合理的時間裏充電,這是一個技術上的挑戰。據透露,這款手機屬於運營商Digicel集團向他們“深度定制”的產品,從設計研發到製造,都由中國製造商承擔。 這款黑色手機從外型來看,與普通手機並沒有太大差別。唯一特別的是,背部有一塊長方形的內置太陽能接收板。該製造商品牌部的相關人士介紹說,太陽能電板的部分採用了荷蘭一家公司的專有技術,只要將它放在太陽底下即可將太陽能轉換為電能,“原理就和太陽能熱水器所使用的大鍋差不多”。經過技術改造,手機可以承受高達45℃的溫度,因此不用擔心它在太陽底下暴曬時發生故障。和普通手機一樣,這款太陽能手機充電完全後可以使用2-3天。

有人對這種手機的使用方式錶示懷疑:手機價值較高,以至於人們不太可能把它“單獨”留在陽光下充電。另外,如果一連碰上好幾個陰雨天怎麼辦?對此,技術人員表示,一般的光照就能夠滿足充電條件,而且太陽能電池板沒有記憶效應,隨時都可以充電。因此,使用者只需在白天待機時把手機放在窗臺邊,讓它盡情享受“日光浴”即可。此外,它也被設計成可以通過普通的電源插座進行充電,以備不時之需。 如有市場也可在國內銷售 製造商方面介紹說,這款太陽能手機走的是低成本的“平價”路線,主要滿足通話、發短信等基本功能,海外售價預計僅約40美元。

目前不少製造商都對研發太陽能手機顯示濃厚的興趣。不久前,南韓製造商三星和LG公司也相繼發佈了太陽能手機。與中國製造商推出的手機一樣,這兩款的太陽能電池板也都放在手機的背面,不過走的路線要相對“高端”。其中,三星的手機包含了FM收音機、彩色螢幕、和弦鈴聲以及手機羅盤等功能,充電1小時可使用 18分鐘。而LG的手機充電10分鐘可支援3分鐘的視頻通話 。 在中國,也有許多地區陽光充足,電力供應卻相對缺乏。




CPL漲 力鵬、集盛將更賺

【經濟日報╱記者劉芳妙/台北報導】2009.05.07 03:15 am

尼龍上游原料己內醯胺(CPL)一路大漲,現貨價已大漲至每公噸1,700美元高點,加上大陸下游資金寬鬆買盤力捧,激勵尼龍一貫廠力鵬(1447)、集盛(1455)第二季業績不看淡。 市場預期,二大尼龍廠第二季獲利可望較首季佳,不過,6月是觀察市況是否反轉的重要指標。






Source 宇瞻新聞稿【發佈時間:2009/05/07】





Billerud strengthens consumer sector with acquisition of Tenova Bioplastics AB

Source: Adsale Industry Portal 2456.com Post date : 19/02/2009

Swedish-based Billerud, the producer of kraft and sack papers, and container boards for the packaging industry, is further strengthening its know-how in renewable packaging through the acquisition of Tenova Bioplastics AB, a Swedish producer of compostable carrier bags made of bioplastic.

Tenova's largest customer is ICA AB. The company has sales turnover of MSEK 35 and is a market leader in its field in Sweden. Tenova AB has been consolidated within the Billerud Group as of February 1, 2009. It is expected to contribute to a small positive effect on earnings per share in 2009.

The acquisition is well fitted into Billerud's long-term strategy, according to the company. Per Lindberg, CEO of Billerud said: "We are continually looking for new products and applications that will develop our business. Bioplastic will be a good complement to paper for renewable packaging, and in the long term the combination of paper with barriers made of bioplastic will be a highly attractive alternative for many different types of packaging."

According to Lindberg, Tenova is a leader in the rapidly expanding bioplastic field, which provides Billerud with a platform for the future. "The acquisition strengthens our product offer in the consumer sector, which is less sensitive to the economic cycle," he said.

環保工法 柏騰抓住商機

環保工法 柏騰抓住商機
2009.05.05 04:25 am

【2009/05/04 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/