摩托罗拉革命性的新款手机MOTOÔ W233 Renew是该展位的一大亮点,也是全球首款获得碳中和认证的设备。这款新手机是摩托罗拉与沙伯基础创新塑料长期合作的结晶,利用定制等级的 Lexan* EXL树脂加上大量消费后塑料材料制造而成。
With the launch of MOTO W233 Renew, Motorola says it has the world’s first carbon neutral phone. The plastic housing is made from plastics comprised of recycled water bottles. “Through an alliance with Carbonfund.org, Motorola offsets the carbon dioxide required to manufacture, distribute and operate the phone through investments in renewable energy sources and reforestation. The phone has earned Carbonfund.org’s CarbonFree® Product Certification”, Motorola said in its press release of 06 Jan 2009.
Motorola says it has reduced size of packaging, made of recycled paper, by 22 percent, and that it provides a postage-paid recycling envelope.
Commenting on the introduction of Renew in his blog, Professor Noah Hall notes: “This is great, but don’t feel like you need to rush out and buy bottled water to keep Motorola supplied with recycled plastic. With over 8 billion gallons of bottled water sold in the U.S. annually, we should have enough recycled plastic from water bottles to give us a lifetime of cell phones”.