

[News] 《類股》SM價格回升,國喬、台苯樂透

  • 2010-07-27 08:17
  • 時報資訊
  • 【時報-台北電】

  •  PLATTS報導,受惠下游ABS、PS需求回溫,搭配上游原料苯價反彈25美元,激勵SM最新現貨報價重回千美元大關,每公噸達1,016美元,上漲50美元。在下游需求回溫,且SM價格漲幅優於原料苯價,加上乙烯價格持續拉回整理,有利拉升利差空間,激勵SM股台苯(1310)、國喬(1312)翻紅走堅。
      法人推估,國喬第一季營業利益1.5億元,EPS 0.43元。第二季緯來電視收益優於預期,加上大陸鎮江ABS廠挹注,國喬第二季獲利約比首季小幅下滑,上半年年獲利可望約6.5億元至7億元,EPS約0.73元至0.77元。

    [News] 《類股》ABS價揚,台化、國喬、台達化受惠

    • 2010-07-26 08:07
    • 時報資訊
    • 【時報-台北電】

      分析師指出,EPS電子包材需求,往年第三季、第四季為傳統旺季,中國大陸建材需求約第二季、第三季夏季為施工旺季,有利需求向上攀揚。搭配ABS穩健表現,推估台達化今年營收年增20至25%,EPS約1元至1.2元。 (新聞來源:工商時報─記者彭暄貽╱台北報導)


    [News] 遠東新 Q2純益估增六成

    【經濟日報╱記者陳怡君/台北報導】 2010.07.27 01:47 am












    【2010/07/27 經濟日報】

    遠東新 http://www.fenc.com/tw/index.aspx


    [News] 六輕大火,催動丙烯8月行情

    2010/07/27 07:44 時報資訊




    CHEMICAL TOKYO推估,今、明兩年全球乙烯約增產1,100萬噸、900萬噸,80%以上擴產來自中東、亞洲,增添下半年塑化報價壓力;反倒是今年全球丙烯增產幅度較小,PP、AN及CPL等丙烯衍生物產品行情相對較穩。 (新聞來源:工商時報─記者彭暄貽/台北報導)


    [News] 潛力股/台橡 除息題材 股價飆

    【經濟日報╱王瑞堂】 2010.07.25 04:32 am




    2010-07-25 13:37 時報資訊 【時報-台北電】








    2010-07-21 15:47 時報資訊 【時報記者莊丙農台北報導】



    DisplaySearch LED背光源研究總監Kevin Kwak指出,許多液晶面板製造商在他們修正LED電視面板出貨目標之前,並不想承認主要材料供應商的產能受到限制。特別是PMMA與PET短缺相當嚴重,PMMA與PET的供應商需要時間,並在有限資金底下增加他們的設備,導致產能擴張的速度相當緩慢。




    [News] SABIC與中國公司簽署60億元諒解備忘錄

    www.cnfol.com 2010年07月22日 09:05 中塑資訊網 







    [News] 台塑中石化 獲利縮水

    【經濟日報╱記者邱展光/台北報導】 2010.07.20 02:23 am









    【2010/07/20 經濟日報】

    [News] 台達化爆量漲停 帶動塑化二線

    2010.07.21 03:05 pm


    今早更傳出台達化可能在明天公布上半年財報,EPS上看1.6元。以台達化第一季EPS 0.4元推估,第二季EPS將高達1.2元,不過,對於市場的傳聞,台達化公司發言系統上午強調,合併財報根本就還沒收到,市場一直有各種傳聞,公司不予回應。





    【2010/07/21 聯合晚報】


    [News] LED红火助PMMA市场升温

    2010-07-19 19:40:34 作者: 来源:LED环球在线






    [News] 買盤觀望 五大泛用樹脂續跌

    2010-07-09 工商時報 【記者彭暄貽/台北報導】




     尤其,近期伊朗陸續將多餘乙烯運至亞洲降價求售,泰國P T T的乙烯產線也還沒加入供給,未來乙烯價格勢必向下拖累其衍生物報價。

    [News] 丁二烯價揚 台化國喬樂

    2010.07.10 04:35 am







    業者並指出,丁二烯下游衍生品ABS,因需求疲軟,從上個月開始也同步回檔,目前台化、奇美可能因原料供應減少而有降低開工率動作,如此一來,可望刺激買盤出籠,讓ABS 行情止跌。

    [News] 下游持續觀望尼龍市場低迷,力鵬6月衰退27%

    精實新聞 2010-07-06 07:33:53 記者 賴淙民 報導

    力鵬(1447)昨(5)日公告6月營收,達11.28 億元,較上月的15.54 億元衰退約27.43%,較去年同期衰退28.36%。主要是受到CPL行情反轉向下,下游廠商觀望,追漲不追跌,6月力鵬尼龍粒銷售額不到3月的三分之一。
    力鵬第二季營收達49.78 億元,較上季的歷史新高61.73 億元衰退約19.35%,較去年同期則成長19.06%;累計1-6月上半年營收為111.51億元,年增率達39.54%



    [News] 原物料價格下滑,榮化6月營收衰退一成

    精實新聞 2010-07-07 11:30:18 記者 賴淙民 報導

    榮化(1704)今(7)日公告6月單獨營收,達22.84 億元,較上月的25.59 億元衰退約10.75%,較去年同期衰退4.79%;第二季營收達75.40 億元,較上季的69.61 億元成長約8.32%,較去年同期成長10.12%;累計1-6月上半年營收為145.01 億元,年增率達19.81%。



    [News] 需求疲軟 集盛提前歲修

    經濟日報╱記者邱展光/台北報導 2010.07.03 04:22 am







    中石化主管強調,目前的交易價格,並未真正地反映需求情況;目前市場需求情況還是很緊俏。而由於大陸最大的CPL生產廠商南京帝斯曼化工,年產20萬公噸的生產廠將於7月進行21 天的大修。因此,供需失衡的情況可能延續至第三季。



    [News] Eight days that could change the course of BPA regulation in the U.S.

    By Tony Deligio
    Published: July 7th, 2010

    Over an eight-day stretch in late June and early July, bisphenol A (BPA) was dealt two potentially devastating legislative blows by California and New York, as opponents of the chemical who have grown impatient with federal regulators took matters into their own hands.

    The first strike against BPA came on June 23, when the Senate and Assembly houses of the New York State Legislature voted unanimously to pass a bill ending the sale of pacifiers, baby bottles, cups/sippy cups, and straws containing BPA, effective Dec. 1, 2010. Only eight days later, the California state assembly passed a similar BPA ban on a 43-31 vote. After a senate vote to approve amendments added by the assembly, that bill will only need Gov. Schwarzenegger's signature to become law (although at this point, the governor has not expressed his intentions). The California measure squeaked through the assembly by two votes, beating back the intense opposition of 17 trade and association groups, including the state's chamber of commerce and grocers association, as well as the American Chemistry Council (ACC). Deborah Hoffman, Sen. Pavley's spokeswoman said the bill will have to be taken up before the end of the legislative session on August 31. As far as whether the governor has tipped his hand on how he'll vote, Hoffman said his office had given no indication whatsoever in either direction.

    Not "an uphill battle"

    In a June 24 interview, just one day after New York state passed its ban and before California would follow suit, Steve Hentges, senior director, polycarbonate/BPA Global Group at the ACC said BPA backers have been busy of late but that the tide against the chemical could still be turned.

    "I don't know if I'd say [advocating on behalf of BPA] was an uphill battle," Hentges said. "I think it's just a very busy time. I think the scientific case regarding the safety of BPA is still strong, and we have found that that resonates well with both legislators and regulators."

    A PhD chemist by training, Hentges worked in the chemical industry for 18 years, with much of that time spent in health and environmental activities. For the last 10 years, he's been with the ACC—the chemical and plastics industry's largest U.S. trade group—with most of that time spent advocating on behalf of BPA, and the hard, clear plastic that utilizes it as a feedstock, polycarbonate (PC).

    California and New York take matters into their own hands
    California's bill, which was written by Sen. Fran Pavley, a democrat representing Agoura Hills, was originally introduced in early 2009, but then defeated in the assembly last September. Successful on its second attempt at passage, the bill, if signed, would take effect beginning in 2012. The proposed legislation would ban the sale, manufacture or distribution of bottles or cups with BPA, and prohibit the sale of liquids, foods, or beverages in cans, jars or plastic bottles that contain BPA. The law applies to items primarily intended for children three years of age or younger.

    The New York bill was introduced on March 16, 2009 by assembly members Steven Englebright and Robert Sweeney and state Senator Antoine Thompson. As written, the bill sought to ban BPA from toys and child-care articles intended for use by children three years of age or under, in addition to restricting it from bottles, cups or other containers that would be filled with any liquid, food or beverage intended for consumption by children 14 or younger. It would also apply for the lining of jars, cans or boxes.

    That bill passed the assembly on a 58-0 vote, and according to Sen. Thompson's press office, it contains civil penalties for violations. Thompson noted in a release that while four counties in New York state had already enacted local laws prohibiting the use of BPA, the senator's goal was to make the ban a mandatory law statewide.

    In an April 12, 2010 memo, the New York State Business Council announced that it opposed the ban saying that, "BPA has been safely used to make shatter-resistant polycarbonate plastics and versatile epoxy resins for over 50 years." The council also based its opposition on the premise that such bans should come from the federal government. "The Business Council is concerned with any legislation that calls for state-specific product bans and restrictions. Chemical regulation in particular is better handled on a national level, rather than having different states with varying standards for chemical and product safety."

    Impatience with the federal government
    Calls like the above for deference to federal regulation of chemicals are increasingly falling on deaf ears. In between New York and California moving to ban BPA, the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) filed a lawsuit on June 29 against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its failure to act on its petition submitted in October 2008 to ban BPA from food packaging, food containers, and other materials likely to come into contact with food. Filed in U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the suit noted that in the more than 18 months since the NRDC submitted its petition to the FDA, the agency had expressed concern about the effects of early life exposure to BPA on brain development and the prostate gland of fetuses, infants, and children but had not acted.

    A representative of the FDA said it is against the agency's policy to comment on pending lawsuits, saying only that only that by law it has 180 days to respond by approving the petition, denying it, or providing a tentative response. In a June 29 response to the NRDC lawsuit, the ACC released the following statement. "The American Chemistry Council believes that the scientific process and the public interest are both best served by allowing the FDA to complete its ongoing review of the science surrounding the safety profile of BPA."

    A de facto national ban?
    The question now is with two of the three most-populous states in the U.S. moving close to outright BPA bans, will the chemical be outlawed on a de facto basis by companies that won't be interested in making one bottle for New York and California and another for the rest of the U.S.? For his part, Hentges called for patience and pointed towards the pending release of BPA studies from the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority. Both of which are expected this summer.

    "The science of BPA has been evaluated by a number of government agencies and regulatory bodies over the last several years," Hentges said, "and there still is a consensus amongst these regulators that have reviewed the science, a consensus that BPA is safe in the way that it's being used now." —Tony Deligio

    [News] PLA injection molding breakthrough

    By PlasticsToday Staff  Published: July 7th, 2010

    The problems with injection molding conventional PLA are well known, not least of which are its low heat resistance and limited injection-molding capability because of PLA’s increased cycle time. Teijin and Panasonic Electric Works announced their joint development of heat-resistant polylactide (PLA) molding compound made from 80% plant-based renewable feedstock and providing significantly reduced molding cycle time of around half that of conventional PLA compounds.
    Panasonic Electric Works will begin selling the new material as its MBA900H PLA molding compound for use in cell phone housings and other mobile devices and digital consumer electronics. The initial goal is to produce 1000 tons of MBA900H PLA annually by fiscal 2012..
    The bioplastic used in the MBA900H is Teijin’s Biofront, a high-heat resistant PLA with a melting point of at least 210ºC, which is significantly higher than that of conventional PLA. Biofront also shows better hydrolytic stability and achieves semi-crystallization in just 20-25% of the time required with conventional PLA

    [News] TPE North American resin pricing, June 28-July 2: PE up $0.01/lb; PP $0.02/lb higher in quiet week

    By PlasticsToday Staff
    Published: July 7th, 2010

    Market overview: The spot commodity resin markets were relatively slow as the 4th of July holiday approached. Since it was the end of the second quarter and most of June's business was already booked, many market participants took an extended holiday, according to spot-trading platform, The Plastics Exchange (TPE).
    Polyethylene (PE) prices nudged a penny higher on Monday and remained there for the rest of the week.

    Polypropylene (PP) prices rose $0.02/lb and are currently $0.03/lb above the June lows. The spot monomer markets dropped last week.

    After a month of negotiations, June PE contract pricing finally settled, with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) down $0.06/lb, while low-density polyethylene (LDPE) settled $0.04/lb lower. TPE CEO Michael Greenberg said these declines could be considered a victory of sorts for processors, since producers had held firm late in the month, trying to relieve prices by only $0.02/lb less. Late in the week a PE producer announced a $0.04/lb increase for August on higher alpha olefins (HAO) LLDPE and LDPE resins, but as yet, others have not followed suit.

    Ethylene for July delivery transacted up a half-cent on Monday to $0.36/lb, but fell the rest of the week. Spot prices were pummeled on Friday in active trade, ending the week at $0.30/lb, for a 15% loss. The June Ethylene net transaction price (NTP) was reportedly down $0.0525/lb from May, settling at $0.395/lb. Polypropylene contracts followed polymer-grade propylene (PGP) monomer lower, with both settling down $0.08/lb in June.

    Propylene markets were quiet, as refinery grade propylene (RGP) shed a quarter-cent to $0.4275 and spot PGP once again went un-traded. Initial settlements for July PGP contracts emerged at $0.555/lb, which would be steady from June. Greenberg advised that if the current flat July PGP agreement solidifies market-wide, participants can expect PP contract prices to also remain steady in July.
    Energy markets moved lower in the U.S. last week, as crude oil for August delivery tumbled $6.72/bbl to close at $72.14/bbl on Friday, while August natural gas futures prices continued fell $0.221/mmBtu to end the week at $4.687/mmBtu. The crude oil:natural gas price ratio shrank to 15.3:1.

    Exports heated up some, with a number of European traders seeking PE at prices not seen for several weeks. As the dollar weakened, however, bids increased and a number of deals were concluded at prices $0.02-$0.03/lb above recent levels. Spot supplies of certain resins that had been plentiful, such as LLDPE Butene and HDPE blowmolding, began to tighten. Spot supplies of PP, both domestic and export, are significantly shorter than in recent weeks.

    After rising $0.22/lb through April, PP contracts gave back $0.20/lb during May/June, for a net gain of $0.02/lb for the first half of 2010. Contract PE prices ran up $0.18/lb through March, held steady in April, and then dropped $0.12/lb in May/June. Average LDPE prices were down just $0.08/lb. Going forward, Gulf Hurricanes warrant attention and while Alex avoided the major petrochemical complexes, Greenberg cautioned that, "Other storms are already brewing and the season is still very young."

    [News] 台達化EPS年產量將提升

    • 2010-07-03 01:34
    • 工商時報
    • 記者彭暄貽╱台北報導





    [New] 台塑中石化 獲利看淡



    中油主管指出,這幾個月來,對生產廠台塑及中石化而言,AN可以說是獲利金雞母,以6月為例,主力原料丙烯的合約供料價約在每公噸1,180美元,原料與產品差價曾高達1,270 美元,前所未有。





    [News] Moldmaker grows by speaking its customers’ language

    By Clare Goldsberry
    Published: July 2nd, 2010

    R&D/Leverage UK (Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire) continues down the path of building itself into a full-service solutions provider, which has resulted in the company reporting 17% growth in sales for the first six months of 2010. Several factors have played into this growth rate, including the popularity of the Product Solutions Lab (PSL), delivery times up to twice as fast as the competition, the recent addition of the Genesis Hot Runner System, all combined with effective communications with non-English-speaking customers throughout Europe.

    R&D’s Product Solutions Lab (PSL) is the latest in a series of expansions and enhancements designed to benefit converters and brand owners globally, says the company. “Our PSL is a building-within-a-building that provides additional value-added services to our customers and has proven so popular that we are looking to purchase additional machines,” says Alan Tolley, managing director of the UK facility. “While it is but a part of our recent success, the PSL is becoming our signature, in a sense, since we can provide customers with in-house training modules and the capability to provide first-to-market samples, so we can now qualify almost any product, including extreme shapes and extreme specifications in-house.”

    Tolley noted that sales growth is running 20% ahead of the company’s 2010 forecast. In addition to the PSL, other factors behind the sales growth is R&D’s investment in infrastructure that was matched by its investment in people capable of conducting business throughout Europe, including Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Poland. “Our foreign language skills are enhanced by our user-friendly customer service and problem solving,” said Tolley. “We encourage a flexible, nimble style in partnership with our customers, and provide fast delivery times.”

    An increased popularity of PET products vs. glass, which provides higher quality and eco-friendly benefits, has also contributed to sales growth. Recently, a UK retail giant has committed to converting its small wine bottles to PET, which are 88% lighter than glass, according to published reports. The Genesis Hot Runner System has contributed to PET’s popularity because it provides high quality and enhanced production efficiencies, Tolley said.

    R&D—Integrated Solutions in Plastics is a leading supplier of tooling for the food, beverage, home, personal care, and healthcare industries. Leverage Integrated Industrial Design is R&D’s full-service consumer packaging design company located in a separate facility within the R&D campus. Together, R&D/Leverage provide mold manufacturing for PET tooling, as well as a full range of support functions, including sampling analysis, mold maintenance, contract molding and processing assistance, concept development, validation, and implementation (prototype molds, mold sampling, and low-volume production). —Clare Goldsberry

    [News] MMA價揚 台塑樂透




    高雄塑酯化工是中石化與英國璐彩特(Lucite)集團共同投資,中石化持有40%股權,除高雄仁大石化區生產廠MMA年產能10.5 萬公噸外,雙方還聯手斥資1.2億美元進軍大陸上海,興建年產能9萬公噸的MMA生產廠,兩岸總產能可達20萬公噸。




    [News] 預估國喬2010年營收金額為160.05億元

    2010/07/05 00:00 (工銀投顧 提供)

    IBSTIC預估國喬2010年營收金額為160.05億元,YoY+25.66%,稅後盈餘為14.46億元,YoY-43.28%,稅後EPS 1.60元,2010年底淨值可達14元。IBSTIC鑑於國喬營收比重較大的SM產品利差維持低檔水準,給予區間操作投資評等,PBR 0.8~1X

    國喬2010年SM產品線受到全球新SM產能陸續開出,供給大幅增加,造成SM利差持續縮小;在ABS方面,在中國家電舊換新政策與旺季效應加持,帶動ABS利差逐季擴大。綜合來說,2010年國喬營收比重較大的SM產品將會下滑,營收比重較小的ABS產品線將會逐漸增溫。IBTSIC預估國喬2010年營收金額為160.05億元,YoY+25.66%,營業利益為6.11億元,YoY-35.76%,稅後盈餘為14.46億元,YoY-43.28%,稅後EPS 1.60元。

    [News] ABS新廠貢獻大 國喬再加碼

    • 2010-07-02 01:21
    • 工商時報
    • 記者彭暄貽/台北報導








    [News] 台塑四寶6月營收 不看好









    [News] Film and sheet extrusion leaders look back, forward

    By Tony Deligio
    Published: July 1st, 2010

    Leaders from Reifenhäuser, Gloucester Engineering, Windmöller & Hölscher, Macro, and Macchi talk new technology, new markets, and new post-2009 outlook for the film and sheet extrusion sector.

    Pulling together insights from five leading companies in the film and sheet extrusion market, some themes quickly became apparent in our Q&A survey. Participants represented the film extrusion gamut, covering blown and cast film, as well as winding technology, but all said business in 2010 is much improved over 2009. At its bottom in 2009, Q&A participants saw cutthroat price wars to win the few orders that were consummated, with all deals requiring arduous efforts to secure capital for customer financing as the global credit markets froze.

    All were asked to offer advice for processors in the new normal for film and sheet, and several said converters would be wise to target scrap. In addition to (not surprisingly) promoting investment in machinery, there were also calls to invest in human capital through training.

    Q: How did the recession of 2009 change your business, your customers’ business, and the market(s) you serve?

    Reifenhäuser: The recession of 2009 influenced the business of Reifenhäuser Group in an unknown manner. Order income was down over 50%, and the activities of the market were simply frozen. Hardly anyone dared to decide for a new investment and the few who wanted to do so received no bank financing. Because of this situation, the fight for the few remaining orders was brutal. Prices for machines dropped by 10%-15%.

    The change from booming 2007/mid-2008 to this disaster was dramatic. Different from that was our customers’ business. Food packaging and hygiene markets, especially, did not collapse and consumption continued at a reasonable level. For that reason, in the fourth quarter of 2009, the demand for new capacities and for product developments switched the atmosphere in the markets.

    More projects, more traveling, and more serious discussions have been the result. From the end of 2009 to today, there has been a remarkable change in the market. The levels of 2006 could be reached by the end of 2010.

    Jones: The main change seen by machinery manufacturers was a reduction in business conducted as processors cancelled or put on hold capital purchases. Because of the need to keep legacy equipment running rather than retiring it, a proportion of the lost business was regained in the form of refurbishment and upgrade orders. Towards the end of 2009, the volume of business available picked up markedly as an apparently improving economy caused shelved proposals to be dusted off and put out for quote again. With regard to processors, with reducing demand leading to further excess capacity, margins generally appear to have been squeezed even further.

    Wheeler: W&H, as a global company, is involved in flexible packaging, not just extrusion or printing. While the North American market is the single largest market for W&H, the rest of the world makes up the majority of our sales. The recession was damaging in North America, but our business here was still strong, fueled by the fact that flexible packaging (food, snacks, etc.) are about as “recession proof” as you can get.

    Around the rest of the world, the projects were there, but money—the customer’s ability to borrow—was very tight. Some customers in North America moved cautiously, while others saw the recession as an opportunity to drive their technology forward with the understanding that the stronger, more innovative companies would survive and thrive.

    The Multiwall Div. of W&H (paper/poly/foil structures) was affected the most by the recession, as that division is driven strongly by the construction and building industries. Cement bags, for example, are all produced by multiwall machines and new construction worldwide stopped cold during that time.

    Planeta: Our business strategy hasn’t really changed as a result of the 2009 recession. Thanks to our capacity to supply custom-engineered machinery, we still saw demand, albeit reduced, from processors looking for something special that would help them gain an edge in their market when it returned. We had several key projects running through the year that kept us occupied until the markets picked up in Q4. We also pushed for more international business, which helped shelter us from the local recession.

    Gammell: The recession made borrowing money more difficult for our customer base, while the strong euro made Italian equipment more expensive, which led to lower margins when items did sell. The overall economy made the consideration of capital equipment investments by our customers a difficult one.

    Q: What event or condition is having the biggest effect on your sector of the plastics industry in 2010, and which one do you think will be the most important in 2011?

    Reifenhäuser: In 2010, the main players in the market for plastic products were growing, are growing, and will continue to grow. Those who want to succeed have to adjust to actual market demand. That means new products, better productivity and quality, and new capacities. The K 2010 fair in October will be the ideal marketplace for this changed sector to make new investments.

    Jones: Aside from the continuing economic uncertainty, there is a general understanding that in any improving economy, energy and polymer costs are likely to rise substantially. Both are largely determined by oil prices, and the underlying long-term trend of increasing world consumption and level or reducing supply has not changed during the recession. As such, those film producers that can are investing in new machinery that is intended to be more energy efficient and/or capable of providing the same film functionality with less or lower-cost polymer. This is likely to promote further consolidation in the industry as the more efficient producers out-compete and take over the less efficient.

    Looking farther ahead, in the stretch film industry there is likely to be more investment in thin-wall core and coreless technology as this gains market acceptance and market share. Downgauging in the stretch industry is likely to continue but with diminishing returns as the physical limits of the polymers used are reached.

    Planeta: Exchange rates. Fluctuations in the rates between the Canadian dollar with the U.S. dollar and the euro are becoming more substantial and occur much faster than they used to. As an exporter to global markets, it’s become very difficult to project long-term pricing. This, combined with low-price competition from developing countries, generates a significant challenge for managing prices to remain competitive. We expect this to continue through 2011.

    Gammell: In 2010, borrowing difficulties and resin price fluctuation are having the greatest effect on our sector, although the strengthening U.S. dollar vs. the euro may ease customer investment concerns. As for 2011, the way the financial world changes, this is anybody’s guess.

    Q: What was your company’s top technology development in 2009? What will it be this year?

    Reifenhäuser: Technology development was one of the main issues of 2009. The free capacities in engineering during the crisis led to some ambitious R&D targets. In particular for Reifenhäuser, the acquisition of Kiefel and the merger of blown-film activities to a best-of-two technologies led to an improvement of all parts of our blown-film technology. We had remarkable improvements and the actual order income proves the relevance to customers’ demand. The technology development in 2010 will again top that of 2009 and will be a highlight of K 2010, not only in blown film, but all other technologies as well.

    Jones: With increasing sophistication in production machinery, developments tend to be spread over more than one year. The biggest efforts in progress are on the WOW project, a revolutionary new high-speed winding system for stretch film, and Symphonix, an integrated line control and HMI system based on a 24-inch touch screen and vector graphics, while utilizing off-the-shelf hardware.

    Wheeler: W&H had an open house in November 2009, which was attended by 1300 people from more than 50 countries, where several significant technological developments were presented. It would be difficult to say which one was the “top” development. At that event, we introduced W&H’s new:
    1) MDO (Machine Direction Orientation) line.
    2) Aquarex water-quench blown-film line for up to nine layers, with high output and clarity.
    3) Optimex low-cost blown film line
    4) Opticool, a revolutionary (single) air ring design for extremely high output—we have hit 50 lb/in of die circumference.
    5) Filmex cast-film line with nanotechnology running 34 micro layers of stretch film.
    6) Vistaflex 10-color printing press with full robotics and a large 49-inch repeat length running 2650 ft/min.
    7) Easy Col automatic color-matching capability.

    Even for an engineering-focused company with more than 1500 patents, 2009 was an outstanding year of breakthroughs at a time when every other company was scaling back.

    Planeta: Macro invests heavily in R&D, so we had several key technology developments last year, the most important being a new PVC cling film line, a new reversible surface winder with zero-foldover transfers, and improvements to our biax extrusion technology, gauge control systems, and extrusion output capacity. In 2010, we’re following the same path of putting priority on improving our systems to meet customer wish lists. Our current focus is on increasing line speeds of our extrusion systems and enhancing their automation features, such as self-adjusting control based on recipes.

    Gammell: In 2009 our top technology development was the air ring cooling improvement that led to increased production rates while maintaining stability and quality, as well as control system technology and other undisclosed projects.

    Q: What advice are you giving to processors on how to prosper in these tough times? Besides investing in more efficient and productive technology, what else should your clients be looking at?

    Reifenhäuser: The key for success in good and in rough times is to focus on your specialties. To be the best in class in your niche, to concentrate on customers’ demands, and employ the best people. Never wait, but react on the actual situation in a strong and dedicated manner.

    Jones: There is increasing pressure, both consumer and legislative, to improve environmental credentials. The jury may be out on the real ecological impact of biopolymers and biodegradable polymers, but there are still steps that can be taken to reduce environmental impact and carbon footprint, regardless of the industry. And that applies not just to the products themselves and their methods of production, but to the whole infrastructure associated with them. Everything from in-house recycling to low-energy buildings has a part to play and is an investment towards a viable and sustainable future.

    Wheeler: Of course W&H’s position is that companies are always stronger in tough times if they have set themselves apart from their competition with better technology. There is still too much scrap being run even with resin prices where they are, and suppliers are being squeezed for every last penny. That is an area that can still be greatly improved upon. It also goes directly to our customers’ bottom line, as their customers do not pay for the amount of scrap they might generate.

    Planeta: Improve the process to save on scrap. Make process changes as fast as possible and reduce line startup times to minimize the amount of scrap generated. Investments in gauge control technology will also provide cost savings through tighter use of the more costly materials, such as barrier resins. Alternately, a switch to a higher-value product or a unique product may generate better margins.

    Gammell: Invest in training of personnel specifically in understanding the workings of a line and line management. Run ongoing and consistent preventive equipment maintenance programs. Explore available resins for source duplication and alternative materials, as always, downgauging to reduce resin cost.

    Q: Will you be expanding your company’s geographic reach, either in sales or manufacturing, in 2011? If yes, where?

    Reifenhäuser: Expanding in geographic regions is not the actual target. Supporting and encouraging the revival in all our well-known regions is the name of the game.

    Jones: Gloucester Engineering is already a global supplier; for top-end capital equipment suppliers, limited geographic presence is no longer an option. Currently manufacturing is predominantly in the U.S., but with the opening of Kabra Gloucester Engineering, a joint venture with Kabra Extrusion Technik in Damman, India, manufacturing capacity will increasingly be available from the subcontinent. And with regard to systems integration, for a substantial proportion of Gloucester’s business, global component sourcing is already a reality.

    Wheeler: We have made a concerted push into Canada in the past year or so. We were always represented there, but perhaps approached the Canadian market too much the way we do the U.S. We now have excellent Canadian representation and have sold a number of machines there in the past year, which, we believe, positions us for further growth.

    Planeta: We are expanding in all markets, with specific plans to expand manufacturing, sales, and service into the U.S., followed by an additional sales and service branch in Europe. We have already expanded our Canadian operation through the acquisition of an additional 50% of production floor space and the hiring of 35% more staff.

    Gammell: Macchi will continue expansion into India and the Far East.