

台塑碳纖維 目標全球第4大

# 2009-12-24 # 工商時報 # 【彭暄貽/台北報導】

因應明年景氣復甦,台塑(1303)決定在HDPE、Carbon Fiber(碳纖)及POM等產品進行擴產計劃。尤其在碳纖事業上,已獲得全球最大風機廠葉片測試訂單,預定明、後年總計投資新台幣70億元,期望成為全球第4大碳纖生產廠商。









法人看好塑化 明年醞釀補漲

# 2009-12-21 # 工商時報 # 【彭暄貽╱台北報導】












Novomer, Kodak partner on bioplastics manufacturing

December 14, 2009 - by Emma Ritch, Cleantech Group
Copyright © 2009 Cleantech Group LLC. All rights reserved, including right of redistribution.

State of New York provides a grant to the joint project to commercialize the use of catalysts in the manufacturing of plastic packaging.

Boston, Mass.-based Novomer said today it received an $800,000 grant towards a $1.6 million project with Kodak and the Rochester Institute of Technology that seeks to promote the manufacturing of bio-based plastics.

The project aims to displace the need for petroleum-based plastics while consuming less energy in production, resulting in a product with higher performance, Novomer said. In addition, the first phase of the project showed the process can leverage existing manufacturing infrastructure.

Novomer said its proprietary catalyst technology can be used to manufacture polypropylene carbonate (PPC), which is used to make plastic packaging or coatings for applications including bottles and film.

Novomer says its process uses 50 percent less energy than traditional plastics manufacturing. In addition, Novomer's PPC offered a significantly improved oxygen barrier and a stiffer barrier compared to traditional PPC. The improvements allow packaged food to remain fresh longer, potentially reducing food waste (see Packaging: The most important part of what you buy?). Novomer's PPC is also lighter than traditional PPC, reducing transportation costs.

Novomer expects the grant to enable it to use the expertise and infrastructure of Kodak Specialty Chemicals and the Rochester Institute of Technology to go into manufacturing.

The grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority follows a $150,000 award that funded a five-month feasibility study completed in May.

Novomer, a spinoff of Cornell University, makes a family of plastics, polymers and other chemicals from renewable feedstocks such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (see Novomer releases biodegradable polymer).

Novomer plans to make money by licensing the technology and selling the catalysts. The company told the Cleantech Group in August that it was beginning customer trials, with partnerships expected to be announced before the end of 2009 (see Novomer's cleaner burning binder goes into customer trials).

In August, Novomer raised $14 million in Series B funding from OVP Venture Partners, Physic
Venture Partners, Flagship Ventures and DSM Venturing (see Novomer raises $14M for plastics from renewable feedstocks). The company previously raised $6.6 million in 2007 (see Solar and biofuel deals lead the day).


力鵬揮強棒 今年EPS攻1.5元

2009-12-07 * 工商時報 * 【龔俊榮/台北報導】

力鵬(1447)力麗(1444)集團今年可望寫下近年來最佳的獲利紀錄,法人估算力鵬全年獲利有機會挑戰EPS1.5元目標。明年兩岸一旦簽 ECFA協議,將使得ECFA加持效應更加顯著,尤其是力鵬外銷大陸尼龍粒將大大受惠,配合明年第1季去瓶頸計畫,產能由每日800噸增至1,100噸,有助力鵬明年獲利更上一層樓。






法人:大陸需求旺 尼龍粒大廠力鵬集盛吃補

【中央網路報】 張達智/整理

  中國大陸需求旺盛,原料持續上漲下,紡織尼龍粒大廠力鵬 (1447)、集盛 (1455) 11月營收相當亮麗。法人表示,今、明年力鵬獲利將創歷史新高,估今年EPS 1.66元,明年2.06元。

  中央社11日電,在業績升溫、尼龍原料己內醯胺 (CPL)持續上漲下,力鵬11月尼龍粒出貨暢旺,單月尼龍粒及紗出貨量達2.06萬噸,11月營收新台幣18.05億元,月增46%,年增更達205%。




  法人預估,力鵬今年EPS 1.66元,創歷史新高,明年將高度成長,EPS上看2.06元。

A growing future for bioproducts from sugar

December 7, 2009 - by Lisa Sibley, Cleantech Group

U.S.-based Genomatica and Brazil’s Braskem are looking at the international opportunities for sustainable chemicals and bioplastics from sugar.

There’s a major opportunity to convert sugar into a whole host of products, such as “green” chemicals, renewable polymers for bioplastics production, and other so called bioproducts, says San Diego-based Genomatica CEO Christophe Schilling.

And they could prove to offer new revenue streams in the process, according to a recent report titled “Market Potential of Sugarcane and Beet Bio-products,” from the London-based International Sugar Organization (ISO).

Schilling told the Cleantech Group it’s not just something being looked at by ISO. He recently participated in a U.S. Department of Energy workshop on the topic, where various stakeholders were looking for related opportunities.

“The ISO report represents a growing international exposure to the opportunity,” he said. "Fuel companies are seeing more near-term opportunities are going to be in chemicals.”

Schilling said that based on a study his company conducted with ICIS, the chemical and energy market intelligence firm, the majority of customers are interested in having access to renewable or sustainable chemicals, but they don’t want to pay more for them.

“It represents a tremendous opportunity for companies like ours to deliver process technology at the same cost or below what it is currently being made at,” he said. “If you can do that you have a terrific win-win, in that you can not only provide a lower cost solution, but you can provide a renewable solution.”

His sustainable chemical company has already been “laser focused” on such chemicals for a number of years, he said. The company uses biotechnology to convert feedstock into existing intermediate renewable chemicals (see Genomatica develops second biochemical from microbes).

“Sugar represents a terrific feedstock from those you can choose from because it’s a large globally traded commodity,” he said. “It’s grown in many regions of the world, so you have many options to source it.”

While he said the ISO report seems to be aimed at sugar producers, it highlights Genomatica’s process as a promising intermediate chemical.

In June, the company announced validation of its ability to make commercial grade 1,4 butaneditol (BDO) from renewable feedstock. BDO is used in plastics, solvents, pharmaceuticals, automotive components and textiles.

The company said it can process BDO produced from sugar to greater than 99 percent purity in a cost-effective recovery process. Genomatica first announced its abilities to make the key plastic component without petrochemicals in 2008 (see Genomatica develops novel bioplastic).

Another company featured in the report is São Paulo-based Braskem, which is investing in bioplastics production capacity in Brazil where sugarcane ethanol is expected to be the feedstock (see Braskem claims first green polyethylene).

In 2007, the company said it produced the first green certified polyethylene in the world, based on ethanol made locally from sugarcane.

The report points out that since Brazil makes the world’s lowest cost ethanol, it’s possible to produce ethanol and then convert the ethylene into polyethylene.

However a collaboration between Dow Chemical (NYSE:DOW) and Crystalsev, one of Brazil’s largest ethanol companies, to produce bio-polyethylene isn’t moving forward because of the breakup of Crystalsev (see Dow and Crystalsev to make bioplastic in Brazil).

The companies were expected to build the world's biggest polyethylene from sugarcane plant in Brazil, but now Dow appears to be seeking another partner for the project.

For Genomatica, Schilling said his company is still on track to start selling licenses and have a pilot plant in 2010. The plant hasn’t broken ground yet, but is expected to begin operating in the first half of next year.

He wouldn’t disclose the plant's cost, but said Genomatica has the financial means to move forward with it, without being dependent on partnerships or government funding.

Even once the plant is up and running, the company plans to continue to refine its commercial product.

“We are essentially trying to optimize the microorganisms used to produce the BDO, so it can make more BDO faster,” he said.

The report also says Genomatica is pursuing other chemicals from sugar. Without disclosing which ones, the company has said it is targeting a broad range of other intermediate chemicals from sugar including molecules important to making nylons, acrylates, and other large volume chemicals.

Schilling said Genomatica is focused on producing chemicals with large existing markets of more than $1 billion, as opposed to producing molecules with small markets such as succinic acid.

Copyright © 2009 Cleantech Group LLC. All rights reserved, including right of redistribution.



2009-07-20 10:20





有某些實例表明,一些公司已開發了新的可持續性發展的產品和生產實踐,已有一些技術和產品推向了市場,如美國從事農業業務的嘉吉(Cargill)公司和日本帝人公司的合資企業NatureWorks公司推出的Ingeo聚乳酸(PLA)聚合物,以及美國的生物科學公司Metabolix與組分、飼料和生物燃料公司ADM(Archer Daniels Midland)已生產出生物基Mirel聚合物。這些都是一些新的生物可降解聚合物。

Genomatica公司有志於通過生物途徑生產化學品,這些化學品可直按作為石油衍生產品的替代,如其開發的BDO和MEK。美國杜邦公司和英國食品集團Tate & Lyle公司的生物基丙二醇是生物途徑的又一實例。巴西石化集團Braskem公司則開發了生物基聚乙烯(PE)。














工商時報 【彭暄貽/台北報導】






 不過,受制需求趨緩,產品無法全面轉嫁成本,第4季本業獲利顯著下滑,加上業外轉投資收益回復正常,單季獲利比第三季拉回。華夏因第4季 PVC漲幅相對落後;從獲利價差條件來看,本業約季減20%,加上轉投資台氯第4季營運收益貢獻縮減,全年EPS約1.4元至1.5元。

台橡台化國喬 獲利旺


2009.12.03 03:37 am








World Bioplastic Demand to Reach 900,000 Metric Tons

Cleveland 12/03/2009 09:29 下午 GMT (TransWorldNews)

Global demand for bioplastics, plastic resins that are biodegradable or derived from plant-based sources, will rise more than fourfold to 900,000 metric tons in 2013, valued at $2.6 billion. Growth will be fueled by a number of factors, including consumer demand for more environmentally-sustainable products, the development of bio-based feedstocks for commodity plastic resins, and increasing restrictions on the use of nondegradable plastic products, particularly plastic bags. Most important, however, will be the expected continuation of high crude oil and natural gas prices, which will allow bioplastics to become more cost-competitive with petroleum-based resins. These and other trends, including market share and product segmentation, are presented in World Bioplastics, a new study from The Freedonia Group, Inc., a Cleveland-based industry research firm.

Non-biodegradable plant-based plastics will be the primary driver of bioplastics demand, posting extraordinary growth from a small 2008 base. In the next few years, Braskem and Dow Chemical each plan to open plants in Brazil that will produce polyethylene from sugar cane-based ethanol, while Solvay is expected to open a bio-based polyvinyl chloride facility. Biodegradable plastics, such as starch-based resins, polylactic acid (PLA) and degradable polyesters, accounted for the vast majority (nearly 90 percent) of bioplastics demand in 2008. Double-digit gains are expected to continue going forward, fueled in part by the emergence on the commercial market of polyhydroxy-alkanoates (PHAs). PLA will also see strong advances in demand as new production capacity comes online.

Western Europe was the largest regional market for bioplastics in 2008, accounting for about 40 percent of world demand. Bioplastics sales in the region benefit from strong consumer demand for biodegradable and plant-based products, a regulatory environment that favors bioplastics over petroleum resins, and an extensive infrastructure for composting. Going forward, however, demand will grow more rapidly in the Asia/Pacific region, which will surpass the West European market by 2013. Gains will be stimulated by strong demand in Japan, which has focused intently on the replacement of petroleum-based plastics. Other regions, such as Latin America and Eastern Europe, will see stellar gains in bioplastics demand from a very small 2008 base.



2009.11.28 【時報-記者徐相宜綜合報導】

◎EG: 為反映成本,國內外EG行情同步高漲;由於國際原油價格在近一年高點盤整,加上上游原料乙烯十月初開始反彈,漲勢強勁,並創下近4個月新高紀錄,因而推動EG價格調漲;其中國際大廠薩比特(SABIC)及陶氏(MEG GLOBAL)相繼開出12月合約價,每公噸報860美元;而國內EG廠商亦同步跟進,據業者表示,12月合約價約為每噸860美元,最新EG外銷現貨價已來到820-830美元,儘管荷蘭及中東等國際大廠投產,但預期短期內影響不大,長期走勢仍需觀察市場需求狀況而定。



2009-12-02 新聞速報 【時報記者何美如台北報導】


